Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS)

Talking Points and How to Take Action

What is The Renewable Energy Portfolio?

The Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS), House Bill 121 (HB121)/Senate Bill 101 (SB101), will create a set of renewable energy goals for utilities along the railbelt to adhere to, with a final result of 80% renewable energy production by 2040.

Why Your Voice is Needed:

If we are to diversify our economy and move towards a Just Transition we must support renewable investments in communities, in our state infrastructure and in our utilities.  To protect our climate and move the needle to 80% renewable energy production by 2040 Alaskans must speak up. Just one or two unique comments can sway a decision-maker. You don’t need to be an expert to make a comment. Short and sweet comments are effective.

How You Can Take Action:


    You can find contact information for your House Member and Alaska State Senator here. Enter your address and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Then make a plan to call or email, OR BOTH! Find Your Legislator>>

  • Make A Plan To Call

    Write down what you want to say, or highlight the talking points you want to speak on. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert. If you call during regular office hours you may reach a staff member, If you call after hours you will likely be leaving a voicemail. Make sure you let them know who you are, and where you live. Telling a personal story is impactful.

  • Prepare An Email

    Use the talking points below to draft an email. Short and sweet emails are impactful. Make sure to include who you are and where you live. Telling a personal story is impactful.

Talking Points:

  • Implementation of a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) will mandate that Railbelt utilities move their generation away from fossil fuels which are rapidly becoming more expensive than renewables as an energy source.
  • An RPS is one of the most common policies nationwide that has driven the expansion of renewable energy markets driving down customer prices for millions of people.
  • Lowering Alaska's energy price in the long term makes good economic sense.  Electric price stability will attract new businesses to Alaska and help diversify our economy.
  • Under an RPS all new power generation projects would need to undergo a planning process to ensure that new developments provide the greatest value, are consistent with public interest, and meet the renewable energy standards established by the RPS.  This ensures that utilities are not building unnecessary generation at the cost to their customers.
  • The RPS requires utilities to provide electricity from renewable energy in percentages as follows: 
    • 20% by 2025
    • 30% by 2030
    • 55% by 2035 
    • 80% by 2040
  • Utilities would be required to submit an annual report to the Regulatory Commission of Alaska detailing the progress towards meeting the RPS in the preceding calendar year.
  • This proposal is flexible. It does not mandate the path to the renewable goals.  If the Regulatory Commission of Alaska determines a utility does not meet the requirements of the RPS the utility would be subject to fines of $20/megawatt hour if they are below the RPS - but these penalties can be waived if a natural disaster or transmission constraint hinders the utility. 
  • The RPS would encourage a consistent strategy of measuring renewable energy production across the railbelt, which is not currently enforced. 
  • This bill would increase cooperation and power sharing across railbelt utilities resulting in lower rates and a more resilient grid. 

Example Unique Comment:

Dear Elected Official,

My name is Rachel Christensen and I live in Palmer Alaska. I am writing to let you know that I support HB121/SB101. I believe that continuing to invest in and use natural gas while the price of renewable energy goes down is a waste of money, and needlessly progresses the rate of climate change. I support legislation that will encourage the use of renewable energy and provide savings to local utility cooperatives. Please support HB121/SB101.

Thank you, 
Rachel Christensen, Palmer AK