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Energizing Change: Reflections on Chugach Electric Board Elections and Future Goals

Early this spring, we endorsed two pro-renewable, pro-union incumbent candidates for the Chugach Electric Association Board: Mark Wiggin and Sam Cason. We worked hard alongside volunteers and partners to knock nearly 3,000 of our neighbors’ doors, call over 15,000 community members, and send over 4,500 texts to friends, family, and other voters about the candidates.  This year’s total turnout was …

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Legislative Highlights: Celebrating Wins and Community Action in Alaska

Is it just us, or does spring feel extra busy this year? In a week with multiple elections closing, we hope you are celebrating Suzanne LaFrance’s significant lead in the Mayoral runoff and plan on joining us Friday for the Chugach Electric Annual Meeting! – we also watched closely as the 2024 Alaska state legislative session came to a close.  …

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Beyond Bill Numbers: Clean Energy Update

It’s the year of energy legislation in Alaska – and we’ve seen lots of big ideas introduced in Juneau. As bills make their way through committees and amendments, none of them come out looking exactly the same as the version that was introduced. To that end, we want to highlight the clean energy issues that have popped up in various …

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2024 Chugach Electric Association Endorsements

At The Alaska Center, we work to elect Alaskans who stand up for our clean air and water, healthy communities, and a strong democracy at every level of public leadership: from the federal government down to local board elections. One of these local elections this spring is so small that many people don’t know they have the right to vote …

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Spring Into Action: Protecting Democracy in Alaska’s Elections

Dear Friend, It’s spring (or at least false spring) here in Alaska, and that means local and state-wide elections are right around the corner. Whether you’re refreshing your browser, waiting for national primary results, or attending cozy coffee shop chats put on by your favorite mayor or state leg candidate, voting is on the mind of many of us – …

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It’s Time to Shift the Power in 2024!

Can you feel the energy? It’s time for a significant change – a shift in power!Support Our Work – Donate!The concept of shifting power, whether in societal dynamics or energy generation, symbolizes a transformative journey with far-reaching effects. Socially, it means championing inclusivity, equitable decision-making, and elevating diverse voices for a fairer and more balanced society. In terms of electricity, …

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That’s All Folks!

Tying off the winter session of the 33rd Alaska State Legislature as well as his time with The Alaska Center, Louie says “Be excellent to each other.”

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HB 4 – The Fatal Distraction

The time the legislature has left is precious; how they use it has consequences for all of us. An energy-sapping policy like HB4 impedes and tarnishes the work of the whole.