How We Do It
Solarize campaigns have happened for decades across the nation, and in Anchorage since 2018. Here in the Interior, we’ve had to do things a little different:
🔌 Added Energy Efficiency - the first step you should consider on your solar energy journey. Doing an energy efficiency audit can help identify your energy usage, ways to cut down, upgrade appliances, and help size the solar PV system that meets your energy goals and needs.
EE Audits are expensive. We know this is a barrier, so we’re working with local EE auditors to give you a discount! More information on how you can sign up for a discounted Energy Efficiency Audit on our EE tab below!
💵 Created a Network of Support - Investing in solar energy can be daunting, so we work consistently to find local, state, and federal options and resources to help you save money throughout the process.
🤝 Made our Coalition Community-led and Focused - We want to center communities as the decision makers. So we adjusted the Solarize Model of organizing to fit our Interior nuances and needs, allowing home, property, business owners, municipal buildings, and nonprofits to participate.
👥 Centered Energy Equity and Accessibility - There are still many gaps and barriers within the Solarize Model, Clean Energy Industries, and Investments. We remain committed to finding solutions for all to participate and benefit from what solarize campaigns can create.