A group of Alaska teenagers met with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) June 12 and asked that she help stop the planned Pebble Mine, but were left disappointed by the senator’s unwillingness to make any commitments. The seven teens visited Murkowski in her Washington, D.C., office for half an hour to talk not only about the proposed massive gold, copper, and …
Alaskan Youth Bring Their Pebble Mine and Climate Demands Directly to Murkowski
Youth Community Leaders Push Elected Officials for Climate Action and a Stop to Pebble Mine WASHINGTON D.C.- Wednesday, June 12, 2019, Seven young Alaskans with Alaska Youth for Environmental Action traveled to the nation’s Capitol to speak to their representatives on Climate Change and Pebble Mine. Over the course of two days, they toured D.C. and met with Senator Murkowski …
Leg with Louie: what’s next?
There is little to no chance the legislature will accede to Governor Dunleavy’s request for a special session at a middle school in Wasilla (though the idea is fun). This administration is no friend to the Legislative majorities right now and appears to have an instinct for bullying. I bet if they go, they go to gavel in and gavel …
Army Corps of Engineers Extends Comment Period On Proposed Pebble Mine
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says it will extend from 90 to 120 days the comment period for a draft environmental review of a proposed copper and gold mine in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region. The corps had received comments arguing against an extension and comments urging more time. Notably, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski last month requested extending the comment …
PRESS RELEASE: The Alaska Center Stands With Thousands of Alaskans in Opposition to Brune Appointment
Alaskans hold up Brune’s Pebble past as another example of compromised leadership and Pebble’s influence on Alaska’s future. TODAY – Legislators voted to confirm Jason Brune as Commissioner for the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Those legislators ignored the voice of Alaskans by voting to confirm a former Pebble Limited Partnership spokesperson. The Alaska Center applauds the 24 legislators voting …
Leg With Louie: Why the Rush, Pebble?
The federal environmental review of Pebble mine is an obvious rush job and Pebble is throwing millions and millions of lobbying dollars on the dumpster fire of politics in order to ensure the mine receives its critical federal permits before the 2020 presidential election. Alaska departments charged with reviewing the Pebble Mine Environmental Impact Statement have already been cut to …
Leg with Louie: Live in Juneau!
Hello Friends! Juneau is the very best location for the Alaska State Capitol. It rains here all day and all night and all day and all night – completely taking away the guilt one might feel about spending an entire day inside of a building, instead of say, outside of a building – walking, running, skiing, bungee jumping, or merely …
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