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Leg With Louie: Why the Rush, Pebble?

The federal environmental review of Pebble mine is an obvious rush job and Pebble is throwing millions and millions of lobbying dollars on the dumpster fire of politics in order to ensure the mine receives its critical federal permits before the 2020 presidential election. Alaska departments charged with reviewing the Pebble Mine Environmental Impact Statement have already been cut to …

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Leg with Louie: It was a dark and stormy Juneau….

The sun came out in Juneau today, ominous and strange after days of rain.  By noon the temperature was plunging toward a projected single-digit nadir and the wind was pushing snow off the peak of Mt. Juneau. Flags – Alaskan, American – went haywire in the wind. In contrast to the outdoors, the hallways of the state capitol were warm …

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House Majority Fantasy Football

Dear Friends, It is the start of the 2019 Legislative session – and no House Majority has formed.  The state-level legislative impasse combined with the federal impasse begs the question: where have all the great Politicians gone? The Negotiators, the Wheelers and Dealers, the Knee-Cappers!  Has our collective disdain of Politics led us to the point where we have no …