To keep Alaskans safe, healthy, and vibrant we need safe elections. In their COVID-19 response legislation, the legislature provided the Division of Elections guidance on holding a statewide vote-by-mail election for the primary and general elections. For Alaskans and Americans to develop a just future we must have clear means to hold our elected officials accountable. The Division of Elections should be working to develop a vote at home system for the August and November elections. The Alaska Center has sent a letter to Lt. Governor Kevin Meyer and the Director of the Division of Elections asking them to move forward on establishing vote from home elections for 2020 that will protect Alaskan voters, and election workers.
Your unique voice matters and can move the needle on securing a safe vote at home system, which in turn will allow us to elect champions for clean air, clean water, and a strong democracy.
Also, to keep Alaskans safe, healthy, and vibrant, this year The Alaska Center will be replacing our annual live, in-person spring celebration/auction with an online spring celebration/auction and we invite you to save the date and plan to participate. As you may be aware, our annual spring auction is an important financial driver for our work. We understand that this pandemic leaves no-one untouched. We are collectively harmed, and we are collectively building energy toward a different vision of the future. Alaskans will move forward and The Alaska Center will move forward. We need your help this spring.
"The Auction is The Alaska Center and The Alaska Center Education Fund's biggest event of the year to celebrate and support our year-round work to educate, engage, empower, and elect Alaskans. COVID 19 concerns have caused us to get creative this year and bring what is normally an amazing night full of laughter, fun, and fundraising - into the digital world. We surveyed some of our supporters and are using this feedback to create an amazing virtual experience for our community. 2020 is a huge year. As Alaskans, we face a climate crisis, economic uncertainty, fast-tracked mining, and threats to our democracy. It is time to shift our way of thinking. Vision for our future requires all of us, all of our voices, and all of our support. Together we can see a future for our state full of hope and opportunity.
Please join us virtually from May 26 to May 31 to hear from our team, join a virtual house party, bid on auction items from our mobile platform, and raise your paddle to support our work this year! Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali will join us that week for a conversation on action during COVID 19 and the climate crisis."
Let’s get to work!
Submit a personal letter to the Lt. Governor and the Division of Elections
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