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Legislative Highlights: Celebrating Wins and Community Action in Alaska

Is it just us, or does spring feel extra busy this year? In a week with multiple elections closing, we hope you are celebrating Suzanne LaFrance’s significant lead in the Mayoral runoff and plan on joining us Friday for the Chugach Electric Annual Meeting! – we also watched closely as the 2024 Alaska state legislative session came to a close.  …

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Shifting to Transmission

Two weeks ago, several members of our team went to Juneau, in Á’akw Kwáan territory, for the Just Transition Summit. Over the course of four days, we heard from Indigenous leaders, youth, elders, labor movement experts, legislators, and other partners of ours about efforts to transition our economy away from extraction and toward resilience and regeneration.  We discussed a wide …

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Beyond Bill Numbers: Clean Energy Update

It’s the year of energy legislation in Alaska – and we’ve seen lots of big ideas introduced in Juneau. As bills make their way through committees and amendments, none of them come out looking exactly the same as the version that was introduced. To that end, we want to highlight the clean energy issues that have popped up in various …

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That’s All Folks!

Tying off the winter session of the 33rd Alaska State Legislature as well as his time with The Alaska Center, Louie says “Be excellent to each other.”

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Another Great Race

The next twelve days could determine whether we are eligible & prepared for a massive investment in clean energy & transportation projects that will save Alaskans billions of dollars.

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Sun and Wind 4EVER

HB 121 has a good chance of passing with your support. Stay tuned, but first, get out in that spring sun and feel the 4.5 Billion years of past, present, and future awesomeness on your unique and very special face.

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Our Piece of the Pie

There is a $27 Billion pie to be allocated to energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean transportation, battery storage projects, and more. Take action, voice your support for the state Green Bank!