The Alaska Center Board of Directors has unanimously voted to endorse the Les Gara and Jessica Cook Gubernatorial ticket.
Hot Takes In A Cold Place: The Legislative Session Rides Off
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who advocated on bills and budget items this past legislative session.
Entering the Rapids
The 32nd Alaska State Legislature is careening toward its grand finale. We all must remain vigilant. Obstacles approach fast.
An Agency Boondoggle
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation eyeing take over of federal wetlands permitting program under Clean Water Act Section 404.
A Problem of PFAS
SB 121 bans PFAS foams when the Federal Aviation Admin stops forcing their use, please plan to testify in support of SB 121 on Tuesday April 12th.
Fair Maps and Power Grabs
New legislative district boundaries are drawn every ten years based on the most recent census data. In 2021 the Alaska Redistricting Board adopted a final redistricting plan for Alaska, which delineates the districts legislators will represent. The politics of redistricting are rife with power grabs, and the maps are almost always litigated. The balance of power in the Legislature is …
A DEC Budget Trap
So far, only three states in the United States have assumed primacy for dredge and fill permitting in wetlands. One of those states – Florida – assumed permit primacy in the waning days of the Trump administration. Like Governor Sean Parnell before him, Governor Dunleavy wants Alaska to pay for wetland permitting that is now being paid for by the …
Wetland Permitting
The Dunleavy Administration, DEC, mine promoters want state primacy on permitting to streamline industrialization of areas like the Bristol Bay.
Renewable Portfolio Standards drive innovation and economic development
RPS policy offers an exciting future for the State of Alaska, with economic benefits, jobs, innovative technologies, and lower rates.
Climate Rights
Voice your solidarity with the young plaintiffs in Sagoonick v. State Alaska, join us March 1st.