How To get Started
Sign Up with Solarize Fairbanks
No Area Organizer, Boundaries, or 10 people required. Just sign up here!
Get Engaged
The word of Solarize can’t spread on its own. If you want to play a role in recruiting your friends and neighbors, community give-back incentive with Installers, or help to plan more Solarize events and resources ~ please reach out!
Choose Your Installer
Solarize Fairbanks Model has shifted from an individual neighborhood selection committee to an Area Wide Vetting Committee. This committee works the same as a selection committee, with local technical experts, community leaders, and volunteers. They will be tasked with reviewing proposals, conducting interviews, and selecting installers to participate in the campaign. You then can pick the installer that will work best for you and your solar PV design in mind!
We Are Here To Help!
Help Size your Solar PV System with this! ***Make a copy of this spreadsheet and then plug your info in!***
Click on any of these resources and links to help you get started on organizing, or sizing your system!