Federal Climate Action

For climate action to be effective we must grasp onto opportunities at the local, state, and federal levels.  We will soon we an influx of spending available for infrastructure projects in our state and we will need to stay engaged to insure those projects are developed with climate in mind. With the current federal administration, we see a real possibility for economic growth for Alaska that doesn't compromise climate through the Climate Bill package now working its way through the Senate.

How can you take action?


Senator Murkowski has the power and leverage to ensure that climate stays a part of the conversation as these Climate Bill moves forward. It's time for climate action now and we must embrace this moment for real long-term climate goals.

We will keep you updated with opportunities to engage and if you would like to help push this work forward, please feel free to donate or volunteer. We are in this together.

Democracy Policy Also Affects Climate Policy

Learn more about Federal Legislation to protect our voting rights and protect our voice in the future of climate policy.