At The Alaska Center, we believe a true democracy is one in which all Alaskans feel safe, respected, and able to participate in the decisions impacting our communities; and when all Alaskans feel reflected and represented.

Today’s blog is dedicated to PRIDE Month. Pride is more than rainbow memes and merch; it is about the uplifting of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning (LGBTQ+) voices, hearts, and culture and the protection of LGBTQ+ rights. It is a declaration of direct action and care. It is the remembrance that our inalienable rights were not codified by pen and paper, but love and rage turned to action at an anti-police brutality riot in June 1969. This is the history our work builds from. As allies and activists, we must honor and remember this truth. We must hold this truth when we grow our movements, build our tables, and cast our ballots.

This year, rampant attacks on Transgender people and women’s bodily autonomy swept through the nation and played out right here at home, during the Alaska legislative session. SB140, a bill that would ban transgender girls from playing sports, narrowly passed to be then tabled by three votes on the Senate floor. Our House failed to pass HB17, the anti-discrimination bill that would protect LGBTQ Alaskans, again. In Anchorage, community spaces that should be places of safety, learning, and belonging- like our public library- are threatened by ignorant leadership and harmful actions like banning books.

For years, the policies and actions of our leaders have continued to tell LGBTQ+ Alaskans that they are not protected or valued. All of this is why diligence and action are essential. This is why voting accessibility and education matter so much. It’s why holding our leaders accountable to all our community members is paramount. And it’s why we must come together as a community and bask in our joyous resilience now.

Actively seeking and creating joy is a revolutionary act and ensuring that those joyful voices are heard is at the heart of our work. 

Pride events are happening across the state, and we hope to be there to celebrate and amplify in as many spaces as we can this month!

Be sure to check in with your local LGBTQ+ leaders to support the events and communities in your area.

Wherever you are we hope all of you find a reason to celebrate. To our queer friends, family, coworkers, and partners in this work- we love you so very much, and we will always fight with you.

Happy Pride Month!
The Alaska Center Team


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